poniedziałek, 8 czerwca 2020

Let's celebrate Word Oceans Day!

Topic: Amazing Underwater Marine Life

Scenariusz lekcji

Today we are celebrating Word Oceans Day. There are many ways to celebrate that day and probably 2 hours (Spanish and English class) is not enough, so the activities will be continued  tomorrow and on Wednesday.

Main obectives:
- learn ocean animal words in English
- develop digital skills (searching for the information, using online dictionaries, selecting the information, creating a word cloud)

First activity: Preparing a list of ocean animals. This article might be useful:

You can use online dictionaries such as diki.pl  or Spanish-English https://www.spanishdict.com/

Make sure your list is saved in a Google or Word document.

Second Activity:
Creating a word cloud on wordcloud.com. I will guide you how to do that during our MEET session.

The more words you use in your cloud, the more interesting the result. You can change the size and the colour of theme.

If you want more words for your list search for them in the Internet.

If you are in a hurry you could use this link:

Outcome/expected results:

You will know some English words for ocean animals and you will be able to create a word cloud using the technology.
You can add your cloud to your European Language Portfolio

If you are hungry for more activities I will reveal my plans for future classes:

Third activity:

Topic: Ocean Animal for a Day

If you could be an ocean animal for a day, what would you want to be? Pick one you like or want to learn more about, then draw a picture of it. You can pretend to be that animal while you answer these questions:

  • What part of the ocean do you live in (near the surface, near the bottom, in a coral reef )?
  • What are your favorite things to eat (plants or animals)?
  • What animals are your predators (animals that might want to eat you)?
  • Are any animals your prey (what do you like to eat)?
  • What kind of shelter or protection do you like to have?
  • Do you use camouflage to protect yourself?
  • How do you move around?
  • What do you look like?
  • Do you have arms, fins, or tentacles? How many?
  • What kind of covering do you have on your body (scales, fur, skin)?

Dla zainteresowanych odkrywaniem flory i fauny morskiej polecam film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgqRfD5Mco0

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